Why iron and folic acid is essential for your children’s health?

Why iron and folic acid is essential for your children's health?


Iron and folic acid are some nutrients without which children cannot develop well and would remain prone to diseases. This means micronutrients are essential in performing different functions within the body and are important when it comes to one’s overall health. That is why it is important to look at these nutrients in more detail, and learn how to supplement them properly.

Iron Supplements

Common types of iron supplements include liquids, chewable and tablets. The goal is to get a supplement, that matches the age of the child and would be easy on the stomach. There are commonly used iron salts such as ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate and iron bisglycinate.

The Importance of Iron

Iron is components of Hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that transport oxygen all over the system. For children, iron is vital for several reasons:

1. Cognitive Development: Iron sufficiency is associated with enhanced mental health and development of children. The effect of iron-poor diets results in children experiencing problems with respect to attention, memory and learning.

2. Physical Growth: Iron is an important component of the cell and has a role to play in the metabolism and energy producing processes. The effects of iron deficiency include; reduced growth and fatigue; this hinders child’s ability to carry out every day activities.

3. Immune Function: This metal is known to enhance the body’s immune strength which is important in the current situation. Iron ensures proper combating of infections and illnesses within the human body.

Recommended Iron Supplements for Children

• NovaFerrum Multivitamin with Iron: An oral rehydration solution that is easily consumed and harmless to clients with delicate stomachs.

• Renzo’s Iron Strong: Tablets that are in form of candy that could easily be taken by the older children.

Folic Acid Supplements

Folic acid is commonly incorporated into the multivitamin preparations for children. These supplements assist in guaranteeing that children take the right proportions of this nutrient in case their diets do not include enough foods that have folic acid.

Folic acid plays a critical role in the synthesis of DNA and RNA that is required in the development of red blood cells. It supports various functions, including:

1. Red Blood Cell Production: Folic acid is needed to process number of important body functions and one of them is formation of red cells which is needed to fight against anemia and keep the energy levels high.

2. Brain Development: Folic acid provides support for the enhancement of the brain during its development and as well as in its functioning. It is involved in learning and improving memory.

3. Prevention of Birth Defects: Any pregnant woman should ensure that they take folic acid since it helps avoid development of tubular structures in the spinal column in the fetus. This is even more relevant for prenatal care; nevertheless, taking folic acid beginning at a young age can put a good basis for health in the future.

Top Iron and Folic Acid Syrup Brands for Children available in India

Here are some of the best iron and folic acid syrups for children available in India: 

1. Hemoforte Iron & Folic Acid Syrup: This syrup is used in the prevention and solution of iron-deficiency anemia and it aids in the formation of red blood cells.

2. HealthBest Kidbest Iron Syrup: This syrup offers natural iron; a strengthener and energizer, and brings the capability of improving the body’s immune system.

3. Haem UP Liquid: A flavour enhanced, sugar-free haematinic oral liquid for the formation of RBCs and the management of IDA specifically in paediatric patient population.

These syrups are developed to stabilize the amount of iron and folic acid necessary for children’s development. 


The iron and folic acid supplementation to children is very important as form of enhancing their growth and a healthy future. Supporting this with supplements is a good exercise, though it is best to get it from the foods we take; however, there are cases where children may result restricted in their diets thus the need for some supplements. Before beginning any supplementation for your child it is important that you consult with a healthcare provider.

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